Intent Based

The whole Zyfi API could be considered as a Solver in the Intent landscape.

The Intent narrative in blockchain refers to a user's specific goal that is submitted to a service and then executed by a 'solver,' which can be a person, an API, or another protocol to achieve the desired outcome.

At Zyfi, we've developed a complete Intent Solver, which consists of Zyfi's APIs associated with Zyfi's paymaster contract. This innovation addresses the user's intent to have gasless transactions sponsored by a third party, such as an NFT collection, a DApp, or a foundation.

Intent Adjacent Function

Zyfi goes a step further by introducing a specific Intent Adjacent function to the API solver. Instead of requiring a DApp to pay gas fees for the end user, a third party like a brand, foundation, or NFT collection can sponsor the gas without needing direct API integration.

This parameter, called CheckNFT, is part of the API call of the sponsored paymaster. DApps that use associated NFT contract addresses can switch this parameter from false to true during the API call. This allows DApps to sponsor gas for holders of any Zyfi NFT partner, with the NFT collection consent.

How to Use checkNFT

As a Dapp, you just need to switch the checkNFT parameter from false to true and ensure that the sponsoring NFT collection is registered beforehand with an associated Zyfi's Vault balance.

const payload = {
   chainId: 324,
   feeTokenAddress: // Not needed if your sponsor 100% of the gas
   sponsorshipRatio: 100
   checkNFT: true, // All Zyfi's NFT partners vault could now sponsor gas for their holders on your Dapp
     from: "0x...",
     to: "0x...",
     data: "0x.."

By simply activating this parameter, Zyfi enables gasless transactions for specific holders through a straightforward parameter switch.

When the checkNFT parameter is switched to true, all of Zyfi's NFT partner vaults could sponsor gas for their holders on your Dapp. This offers a flexible solution for Dapps to integrate; for third parties to sponsor, and an amazing solution for NFT holders who enjoy gas-free transactions.

Last updated